05 February 2009

The GE Smart Grid

GE has put together a beautifully designed site plugging their 'Smart Grid' (read greener) solutions. The pretense of the site is to display to consumers the value of GE updating the 20th century power grid with 21st century technology.

Choose one of three main sections; CO2 emissions, alternative energy or smart meters to learn more. Each section's content is beautifully illustrated and animated using Papervision 3D. The graphs really come to life and the content is compelling.

And for the real kicker, check out the augmented reality section (see image below). I hadn't had the chance of actually playing with this until now, having only seen demo videos floating around the web. Print out a PDF they supply, turn on your webcam and have some fun - very cool use of emerging technology.

1 comment:

Simon said...

Beautifully executed and very well thought out. I wonder if this was pitched to the client or if they already had the ideas internally. Either way the obviously large budget is justified by a really exception site. This will win awards for sure.