06 February 2009

Design your own cover

FHM are running a campaign (FHM Recovered) through Ninemsn at the moment, allowing users to create their own cover and go into the running to have it published in the May issue of the magazine, as well as winning $5000 and one weeks internship at Holler - the campaign creators.

You can create your masterpiece online in 'amateur' mode or download the templates in 'professional' mode. There's a gallery to vote on and some nice sharing tools - post the covers to different networks.

I think it's been well done but lacked some of the impact of other similar campaigns going around. Take for example the recent campaign for Puma - I am 60 - both play on similar ideas around customising an image with uploads, nice flash tools and some copywriting wit, but one is easily more successful than the other. Check it out and judge for yourself.

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