08 May 2007

Website / Oz in 30 Seconds

Get Up, Action for Australia, the political lobby group have launched 'Oz in 30 Seconds', an online contest for filmakers to create television commercials that promote a better, fairer and more progressive Australia. Winning ads will be aired on commercial television and online (YouTube etc) in the lead-up to this years federal election.

From the site: In 30 seconds, show us a slice of your vision: perhaps it's a call to action on an issue close to your heart; or maybe an idea that brings us closer to the Australia you want to live in; or your take on a major policy or event, rather than the spin you've been fed.

The concept is based on 'Bush in 30 Seconds' which ran in 2003 and generated over 1000 submissions and 2.9 million ratings from viewers.

Check it out at: Oz in 30 Seconds

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